Migration Challenges With Emoticons, GIFs, and Reactions

Migration Challenges With Emoticons, GIFs, and Reactions

Reactions, GIFs, and Emoticons are not just something kids are using anymore.  They have become a regular part of our corporate communication.  They can enhance or soften written communication, providing a wide range of communication tones in text, rather than the flat text of the past.  However, there are a lot of migration challenges with […]

Microsoft 365 Tenant Migration – Video Guide

Microsoft 365 Tenant Migration – Video Guide

Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words.  In this case, a video takes it a step further.  Several of us at work have been working on a community piece to guide people through Microsoft 365 Tenant migrations. The video was done selfie style with a lot of post-production work.  Petra did a truly amazing job […]

Expert Advice on O365 Tenant-To-Tenant Migrations

Expert Advice on O365 Tenant-To-Tenant Migrations

Last week I had the great opportunity to speak on an Expert Roundtable hosted by Petri on Tenant-To-Tenant Migrations.  This session had some serious experts and advice.  My colleague Paul Robichaux and I were joined by Tony Redmond (Lead Author of Office 365 for IT Pros), and Gary Bent (Global Infrastructure Architect at Omnicom Group). […]

MAD MSIgnite 2020

MAD MSIgnite 2020

There have been some major announcements relating to MAD at Ignite this year.  These announcements are very exciting!  The dates are a bit. . . squishy let’s say?  But there is hope for massive improvements in this space.  Let’s dive in. Ignite 2017. . . a rant There was a famous session held at Ignite […]

A Remediation Guide: Office 365 License Mismatch in Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures

A Remediation Guide: Office 365 License Mismatch in Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures

You have heard me talk a lot about remediating differences between configurations in Tenants during migration.  With Office 365 being such a large product set, configuration changes can sometimes feel like a total transformation, not just moving data.  Although not a configuration, today we will talk about handling license mismatches in a Merger, Acquisition & […]

How to Migrate Terminated Employees In Office 365 Tenant-To-Tenant Migrations

How to Migrate Terminated Employees In Office 365 Tenant-To-Tenant Migrations

Every organization has a different policy on how they handle Terminated Users.  In an Office 365 Tenant-To-Tenant Migration, terminated users cause challenges.  Terminated user policies are usually directly tied to the industry the organization is in, and the position the former employee occupied.  In this article, we explore how to scope the issues and migrate […]